Tuesday, June 22, 2010

March Update

Well it was a long wet & cold winter for Ireland!!! Plus we had a beautiful baby girl in January! As a result more delays in build work plus decision making.
With Chris travelling all over the world Dec 09, January & February 2010 and me with new baby (first time Mum) in January & February we were just way to busy to do anything with the house :-(( Hence the delays with the house and with the blog!!! Baby certainly too all my time and priority ... she is a joy!!

Well finally in March we had the entire house electrical spec'd out and electrician on site for the electrics. Chris put in surround sound speaker wire for the TV's plus speaker cable for other music as we intend to fully use the Apple wireless technology throughout the house.

Next stop is the kitchen to finalise; and onto first fix :-))

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